In a world of film adaptations of popular books, multiple Spider-Man franchises, and enough prequels and sequels to keep audiences satisfied for years, it isn’t often film-goers come across a truly unique and fearless piece of work. Enter “Atomic Falafel.” The satire...
Movies Under the Stars, a New York City summer outdoor film screening program, has continued to be a hit since its inception a few years ago. Every summer, multiple venues throughout the city host outdoor screenings of both new and classic films. This past...
On Thursday, July 9th, the Israeli film scene was brought to center stage with the opening of the 32nd Jerusalem Film Festival. This year was the first since the controversial move to pull the film “Beyond the Fear”, the documentary based on Yigal Amir who killed...
This past weekend marked the kick-off the the 18th Annual Shanghai International Film Festival. The 2015 showcase is slated to run from June 13th to June 21st. Films for exhibition include Leviafan, Boyhood, The Theory of Everything, Weekend, Once Upon a Time in...